Monday, October 26, 2009

Autumn Is Upon Us (OK I ADMIT IT)

Another Sunset, by dcmarch

New blog. I thought it was time to create something new, and I'm not going to promise how often I'll update but I'll try to keep up with it.

Autumn is upon us in the northern Midwest, and it seemed earlier this month the seasons decided to move right into winter, skipping the cool but not bitterly cold temperatures. I'm glad things have mellowed out, it definitely makes walking our dog; Artie, much easier. Lisa's been in school since late August, and that's going well, she has her nose buried in a textbook or her Macbook most of her waking hours (unless of course she's at work.) She's currently working on a liberal arts transfer to the University of Wisconsin and its nursing program.

(more after the jump)

Currently the plan is to have her finish school and then be my sugar-mama while I go back to school for a degree in nutrition/dietary science. I think it's going to be odd being back in amongst 18-year-olds when I'm 30+ but plenty of people have done it. Sometimes I wonder if I should just stay with the job I have and Lisa can be a nurse, and we can try to have a family, etc. We'll cross that bridge when she's done with her degree I suppose.

I started a different lifting routine last week (post-injury; piriformis syndrome) based on the stronglifts 5x5 beginner program. I've been lifting for around 18 months, but mostly on a cut. I lost a lot of fat and unfortunately a lot of muscle dropping from 210 to 155 from April '08 to April '09. I think I was in such a hurry to burn a lot of fat and get skinny that I focused more on burning calories than I did on getting my form down and getting stronger. So now the plan is to eat above my maintenance calories and get the main lifts (bench/squat/deadlift) down form-wise and build a solid base of strength. It's sort of scary for me to eat above maintenance, knowing I'm adding a bit of fat back on along with muscle. But I'd rather have a little chub and be strong than look lean and be weak.

Anyway that's enough for a first post and there'll be more to come/elaborations/etc.

Supermarket #3 (Brian Wood/Kristian)
Unknown Soldier #4 (Joshua Dysart / Alberto Ponticelli)
Perelandra (C.S. Lewis)

Constant rotation:
Glasvegas - Glasvegas
Rocky Votolato - Makers
Doves - Some Cities

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